Do you all agree when Prince said the 60s, 70s and 80s were the golden ages of music?

So I came across this interview today and it dates back to 2011. Prince felt the 60s-80s were the golden ages of music when artists played their instruments, wrote their own songs and actually had to perform (those were his reasons).

I posted it and if you watch from 7:40 you’ll see what I mean.

What do you all think?

Showing 2 responses by millercarbon

What you mean is you wish they would remove everything you disagree with. Isn't that the way censorship always works? Somebody gets to decide what everyone else gets to think. Only reason you would suggest that is out of the arrogance that what they will decide we are okay to think is what you already think. In other words you want to be the one to decide. Only you won't come out and say it. So you pretend to believe in your moderated utopia. 

There's a reason that word literally means "no-where", you know?
Of course Prince is right. In terms of rock it was definitely a golden age. Since rock was the predominant music of those decades then for sure. What he was saying about performers having to be "on their game" was even more true of the performers of the 40’s and 50’s. Those guys were often times performing for small venues like night clubs where the music is so live it isn’t even amplified other than for the singer. Sinatra was the Prince of his generation.

In terms of rock, it was such a Golden Age I knew it even at the time. One time in a Rosaur’s in Moscow, ID we were talking about it and there was a discount table piled with records. You know the records that didn’t sell in the record store, didn’t sell anywhere, so they wound up on the table. I said look there is so much good music right now I bet we could buy one of these crap discount records and the music is actually good. Here this one with the stupid snake, is that crappy enough for you? We all agreed it had to be pure crap. So that is how I came to have my copy of Crawler.

Oh and you know what? Even on my current rig it is clear this was really well recorded.

Tell me that is crap. When music this good winds up on clearance, try and tell me that wasn’t a Golden Age.