Do they make Speakers For Rap/Rock

It seems that from all the discussions and reveiws, I have read that 99% of the speakers that are reveiwed are done with Classical, opera, jazz or other like music. My question is; Do any of the high end speaker manufacturers make audiophile speakers that are designed for the Rap, Hip-hop, hard rock, loud volume listener???
Try some of the older VMPS models. They can sound very good and play loud and clean. Excellent bass and even the treble is very good.
110 to 115 DB is serious sound pressure levels. Lots of people think they know how loud that is, truth is most can't grasp the number.

In my opinion, you will have to go to commercial sound gear to achieve that level safely. By safely I don't mean for your ears :^). I mean for the equipment to operate year after year on your schedule.

The JBL 4894-90 will produce 100 DB with 1 watt in, 46 HZ to 18KH and will accept about 2400 watts peak before clipping. They are only about 105 pounds so easy to deal with (relatively) and will produce over 132 DB with no clipping and (relatively) low distortion.

There may be some high quality audiophile speakers capable of 132 DB but I don't think they would survive for long, playing what you intend feeding them. I don't know the current price for 4894-90 but it will be cheap compared to a lot of high end speakers, maybe cheap enough that you can score a pair of JBL's used and get some audiophile tower speakers for more relaxed listening.
Albert, clearly you have listened to your fair share of Music. We have a large room, we call the bar that has a 30x30 dance floor and off that is the pool table and of course the full bar, its kind of a remake of the first floor of studio 54 circa 1980. The entire room was built with acoustics in mind ( Except the dance floor, my wifes idea)and have had a couple good acts play in it prior to touring. My point is I do know how loud 110-115 is and that is precisely why I am in search of the least offensive speaker I can find. I will admit that I do not keep the DB's that loud for extended periods except for those times that warrant such raucous behavior, but I thought by padding the DB's a bit it would result in responses with the handful of top speakers that could reproduce music at these insane levels.
Is it idiotic to assume that if a speaker reproduces sound well at high levels it will also do the same at more moderate listening DB's or am I really looking for two separate beasts here?
Those are tough questions since I really don't know your preferences.

The JBL I mentioned is not exactly audiophile quality but it is a very well made speaker and many rock and jazz concerts have been performed through lesser gear.

The reason I mentioned a commercial speaker is that lots of high end speakers will do loud, only up to a point. They are at risk if anything goes wrong. Something as simple as a connector pulled out during a crazy night of dancing or someone decides to grab the knob and "crank it." When this happens it's much more difficult to blow up a sound reinforcement speaker (than say) a Dynaudio.

An audiophile speakers ability to recreate nuances is their strength and with the music your describing, along with a large room and all out party, your not looking for nuance. Nothing wrong with having both kinds of speakers if you have the space and budget.

In fact, there was this dance club in Manhattan we went to late one night after the Stereophile show. There was this little brunette dancing soooo perfect to the super loud dance mixes. Of course she was not much older than my teenage son, but HEY, I was just looking :^).

Anyway, you likely need to visit some commercial sound places and see if that suits you. I was not kidding, you could buy some nice dance floor speakers and have enough money left over for audiophile speakers that do justice to rock at reasonably loud levels.

My Dali Megalines will do well over 100 DB with the 3KW of VTL tube amps I have on them. I choose these amps not for volume, but for their "voice." That particular amp matched up with the speaker and gave me the balance and dynamics I wanted.

The Dali will NOT compete with the JBL 4894-90 in hanging around the dance floor and blowing away your friends. I occasionally crank mine but mostly they play at 72 to 88 DB.

I think the JBL or other good commercial speaker might surprise you with the right electronics. They would never be right for classical, but that's not what your looking for, right?
You might take a look at Meyer Sound products, the high end in sound reinforcement speakers these days as far as I know. I believe the Glacier Audio network sells them. It's also possible that the larger, powered ATC models will give you what you want, or get you close. And they should sound very very good.