Do they make Speakers For Rap/Rock

It seems that from all the discussions and reveiws, I have read that 99% of the speakers that are reveiwed are done with Classical, opera, jazz or other like music. My question is; Do any of the high end speaker manufacturers make audiophile speakers that are designed for the Rap, Hip-hop, hard rock, loud volume listener???

Showing 5 responses by tacmc5

Albertporter-Xiekitchen, Thanks for your response.
Aporter- I would say for extended periods (During Partys or get togethers maybe 12 of them a year, the 110-115 range would be max, Quality is Easy, the best speaker I can find prior to hitting a point of diminishing return and given the limited instruments in Most Hip hop, that should be fairly reasonable, however coupling that with a speaker that will perform at the same Dbs will undoubtedly raise the bar a bit.

One note Bass & Spitty highs are not exactly what I had in mind when I said Audiophile speakers. The L Series JBL are difinately worth a try, considering the speakers I have gone through already clearly they will be the least expensive, which by the way I AM ALL FOR.
In case your wondering, Montana EPS, Von schweikert 4.0 & 4.5, POlk LSi 15.
Albert, clearly you have listened to your fair share of Music. We have a large room, we call the bar that has a 30x30 dance floor and off that is the pool table and of course the full bar, its kind of a remake of the first floor of studio 54 circa 1980. The entire room was built with acoustics in mind ( Except the dance floor, my wifes idea)and have had a couple good acts play in it prior to touring. My point is I do know how loud 110-115 is and that is precisely why I am in search of the least offensive speaker I can find. I will admit that I do not keep the DB's that loud for extended periods except for those times that warrant such raucous behavior, but I thought by padding the DB's a bit it would result in responses with the handful of top speakers that could reproduce music at these insane levels.
Is it idiotic to assume that if a speaker reproduces sound well at high levels it will also do the same at more moderate listening DB's or am I really looking for two separate beasts here?
To all the people who took the time to give informative answers, thank you very much for your time and effort, you have made some great suggestions and I thank each and every one of you.

To the people who wasted their time writing Rhetoric for what must be their own amusement, you have truly peaked my curiosity, please stay tuned for the next thread which will give you all a chance to be heard, it will be something like this:
(Heading)What the Flock is your daily life like?
Your wild nights we know include responding on forums with mind numbing attempts at humor mostly unanswered but once in a while you hit the jackpot and your evening climaxes with some other poor slob chiming in to take your reply to all new lows.
So tell us what are your fun filled days like? I mean you get up at 10 or 11 crack that first cold beer, make it out of the trailer at about noon, then what?
Down to feed the ducks at the park, pick up a couple dirty water dogs; pass out under a tree full of birds returning from a full lunch, wake up and wonder what the hell gets on your face every time you pass out at the park, then its back home just before the little, Scratch that, BIG Woman gets home, Kick back in the recliner until its time once again to head back to The FORUMS posing as an aficionado of music only to prove that not only was Pavarotti right on the mark but also sadly you are not a student of history,. What a surprise... What a shame.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt"
Wow, after writing that, I’m convinced that although your attempts at humor are clearly a waste of menial effort, your days are not so bad at all.

You don't need any brains to listen to music.
~ Luciano Pavarotti