Do these look similar?

The top one is the plate amp from the Wilson Audio Loke. The bottom one is from Dayton Audio. Granted Wilson Audio probably has some of the better enclosure materials they use, but a $329 plate amp in an $8750 subwoofer? This seems pretty similar to that company that put their case on an Oppo and jacked up the price, a lot.



Showing 1 response by artemus_5


Wilson may have designed the piece and gotten their production run without being careful to make sure they protected their design and the finished pieces were sold to Dayton Audio (quite possibly with cheaper parts… so performance will not match Wilson’s).

FWIW I most often agree with your assessment  in the audio realm. You may be the 1st one I would seek advice from in the audio realm. However I have a question concerning the bolded part of the quote. Isn't it true that the Chinese mfgs often copy the patented designs of others ?