Do speaker cables really make a difference ?

Thinking about buying a different speaker cable. Do speaker cables really make a difference?


Showing 2 responses by hilroy48

I hate to sound Prickish, But i have learned that the better the audio gear, the more noticeable changes are to the ears. Once i stepped up to more higher end gear as in components, the cables made more of a difference to me. Stepping up in components were very noticeable, then adding different cables. I tested 2 sets of speaker cables on my basement system, The dealer brought them over to listen as well. One set was very close to what i had, $600.00 the next pair for $1300.00 sounded like someone covered the speakers with blankets. The dealers face turned red.

Find a dealer that will let you take the cables home, all the reviews in the world can't prepare you for what they will sound like in your home.

All I can say is ignore the nay sayers and enjoy the hobby. Life is simple. "When you have money, you can make choices, when you have no money, your choices are made for you."