Do speaker cables need a burn in period?

I have heard some say that speaker cables do need a 'burn in', and some say that its totally BS.
What say you?

I apologize to everyone for posting my tiny little experiment about reversed interconnects here but I thought it may not be that misplaced. Wire directionality has been polluting this thread, via geoffkait’s repeated posts insisting on it, for many days now.


I agree with your view of my interconnect trial but a person has to start somewhere. Not to mention that any kind of blind testing is frowned upon so my experiment was as flawed as they get. Still, been there, done that, did not work, good if it works for someone else. For me, suspicion was sufficiently proven by a lousy experiment.
glubson to self: gee that guy seems like he knows something. I think I’ll ride in on his coattails and scold geoffkait again and brag about my simple experiment (which by the way is discredited by the thousands of other experiments with the opposite result. How unlucky can one person be? Shall we call you gullible glubson? 🤔
So, many explain subjectively that they believe so.   Can anyone offer an explanation as to why this would make any difference?

i am trying to remain open-minded, but cannot see any explanation why this would make any difference.  

If if there is any difference, it seems to me adjusting to the character of the altered sound seems more likely.

again, I just want to hear one fact-based argument for “burning-in” speaker cables.

i see the reason for a car’s brakes - to heat treat the rotors evenly and burnish an set the pads, but I have never seen any explanation for speaker cables.

again, I just want to hear one fact-based argument for “burning-in” speaker cables.

Join the club.

Don't let it keep you from dinner waiting for an answer though ;-)
Sorry geoffkait, millions have not heard that difference. You heard it, I did not. You are wrong, I am right. I have no interest in scolding you.

By the way, I noticed you changed your repetitive statements about portable CD player system from "no speaker cable" to "no long speaker cable". I am glad you considered what I suggested.