Do speaker cables need a burn in period?

I have heard some say that speaker cables do need a 'burn in', and some say that its totally BS.
What say you?


Showing 3 responses by chrshanl37

@atdavid...just wanted to say that I have enjoyed reading your post. Welcome aboard.
Morrow offers this service for about $30 bucks for three days and then charges in $10 increments for extended lengths of time. The fee is the same if you buy one cable or a full loom. 

Many dealers offer these services as well. Not much here to argue about really.
Im not sure that it proves nobody is doing it for free as I have not done any research on this but my first google search turned up this:

I’m sure there are others. You have peaked my curiosity however so next time I speak with Mike I’m going to ask him how many people buying his lower priced cables purchase the burn in service. The answer might be surprising.