Do Pangea PC's really outperform standard PC's

The question is how much do you have to spend to outperform the included PC cords supplied with most components.

I ask because I just bought a Pangea AC14SEII PC for $50.00 Supposedly this model services only auxiliary components, like CD player's; DAC's; phono boxes or pre-amp etc. BTW,They also introduced a AC-9MKSEII power amp cord for sale price of 150.00 for I meter.

Six years ago, I purchased an Acoustic Zen Tsumani Plus PC which I use with my integrated amp. In all truth, I am not sure if this cable really mades a difference in the sound in terms of a quieter or blacker background. Do you have to spend $600-1000 for a PC that truly lowers the noise floor. I paid about $200 for the used/mint AZ Tsumani Plus PC

Showing 2 responses by maplegrovemusic

Really depends on your system . If your system does not have a lot of detail the difference will be less obvious. The more detail the easier it is to notice a difference . My system main rig has detail and a obvious improvement was made using the Pangea over stock. Used in a second system with entry level gear it is not nearly as noticeable switching between stock and Pangea.