Do NOS Mullard EL34 tubes last much longer than NOS SED (Svetlana) EL34 ?

Well, Mullards are $450 each and SED are $120 each. I need four of them for VAC Avatar SE. For now I got a set of SEDs but for the next set..? Bloody expensive. I really like Mullard long plates 12AX7 for line amp.

Maybe it's not worth it, anyway, maybe I wouldn't hear much of a difference.


Showing 1 response by bjesien

I have NOS Mullard el84’s that I use in a Leben 300xs. They are special tubes. I would seek them out again along with some other NOS tubes. I

I’ve owned many amps over the years, even some of Kevin’s amps, and can say they make a difference to me. A sense or ease, a window into the notes and texture that is unmistakable to me. I do agree power tubes typically matter less, but if you want to go further you can.

If you have the funds to experiment with old and new I recommend it, but tubes are all magical in their own way so play within your comfort level.