Do most manu. buy or build their x-overs?

There is quite a bit of discussion concerning speaker driver manufacturers (scanspeak, vifa, morel, etc.) and who uses what. But in general I would say that drivers account for less than half of the overall performance of the speaker. The crossover is a HUGE factor, in many cases perhaps more important than the drivers themselves.
So, generally, do most manufacturers of high end speakers purchase their crossovers in the same manner? Or do they build them to suit the selected drivers?
If they are purchasing them, who are the big names? While I can name off a dozen driver manu. I can't think of one x-over manu., only a few designs named for their inventors (presumably).

Showing 1 response by warnerwh

Crossover design is very critical. That's why most of us don't try diy designs. We can all get high quality drivers and build good boxes but the crossover is a major component. You can't just slap a crossover in from some chart, it's much more complex. Go to the Parts Express diy site and ask there. Lots of knowledgeable people. I was ready to build a world class speaker. Bad idea, trust me. I've done much research and it's not nearly so simple as it appears if you want your speaker to sound good.