Do I really want the musicians in my room?

I've spent the last month - as time allows, at least - auditioning some of the popular gold/gold hybrid cables on the market. I noticed something very striking between a couple of the manufacturers: with one set in my system, my system "puts the musicians in my room". With another, the musicians are not in my room, but in the room the recording was made in; that is, I can hear the reverberataions in the studio or the venue. When I listen to the former, I think about how much information is on the source that I'm not hearing; with the latter, I wonder why I've spent ridiculous sums of money to get such resolution. Interestingly, though, my experience has been the "less resolving" "musicians are here" cables tend to have a more lush, seductive sound, while the "higher resolving" cables have a faster, more detailed sound. Which I prefer depends on my mood and the type of music I'm listening to.

Unfortunatly, it seems to me that these conditions are mutually exclusive. You can't have a system with a high degree of resolution and still have that "musicians are in your room" feeling, unless the recording itself allows for that. I don't seem to have many recordings that allow for both, though. Even then, the lushness is missing in the "higher resolving" cables.

Has anyone else struggled with this? If you found a way around this frustration, how did you do it?

Showing 3 responses by aggielaw

The cables are not Gabriel. I specifically did not order a pair of the Golds because I knew the MkII are coming out soon, and wanted to see if the revision would improve upon that cable's noted (by its owners) slightly truncated soundstage. (I've read here that the Extremes were superior to the Golds in that regard, so I suspect that will be a key upgrade with the Mk II.)

The more resolving and faster cables are, indeed, the KCI Silkworm. The slower, more lush and seductive cables are the Jade Hybrids. I find both to be wonderful in my system, and haven't any stong criticism of either. Both are huge bang for the buck in my system and IMHO.

Nice to see humor still exists in the hobby. Nice posts, guys. :-)
Yikes! I need to make a correction: the Jade cables are the Vermeils, not the Hybrids.

Would love to try the Raptures and Vermeils, but first priority is an AC cord for my amp. I hope to audition those top-of-the-line interconnects later this year or early next, though!

Very interesting. I hadn't thought of it (high resolution) that way. I think about the same kinds of things you mention, but I suppose I never thought of it as interpretation. That's something I'll chew on for a while.

I will never have enough time or money to hear all the components and cables I'd like to hear. Input from others is very important to me in determining what I'd like to audition next. Not to take sides, but John (JMcGrogan2) has been very kind in answering several posts and off-line emails on various issues for me. His input is always appreciated, as are the thoughts of all who care enough to contribute their experiences, perceptions, and opinions on this fascinating hobby.