Do I really Need a Digital to Digital Converter?

Over the last few years I have continued to upgrade my digital front end and currently use an Auralic G2 (with upgraded power supply) and a Musician Pegasus R2R DAC. Some of the (mostly Asian) DAC manufacturers also make digital to digital converters (like the Denefrips Iris and Hermes).

So my questions are, if what these DDCs do so important, why aren’t they built into into DACs or Streamers in the first place. Are they only incorporated in higher end digital gear but not gear at the level I am using?. What will adding one of these bring to the table or should I just upgrade my DAC or Streamer to get the same result? Do I really need another piece of gear and another set of cables to clutter up my rack?

Appreciate input from anyone who as direct experience with these DDCs in their audio journey.


Showing 1 response by trivema

I think depends on source and connection.  I source ethernet to dedicated mac mini  to DAC via USB.  Inserted Iris between mac mini via USB and now I2S to the DACs, Topping L90 and a Pontus II depending on music and mood.  The Iris made a difference to my ears, darker background, more detail, and bigger soundstage.  

I rolled it in and out over two weeks to be sure it wasn’t placebo effect, and concluded there is a worthwhile improvement in SQ. The Iris was “only” $500, adding to Pontus was more cost effective than going up to Venus or Terminator. 

Since your source is Auralic (wifi or ethernet) w linear power to the DAC (via coaxial or optical?) maybe not.  USB from the PC not as clean as coaxial or optical from a high end streaming source, so you may not hear much difference, if any.