Do I Really Need a Dedicated Streamer?

Hello. I have my iPad connected via USB to my excellent Chord DAC. I use Spotify mainly to stream. Why do I need a separate streamer (Wiim or BludSound Node) to play my music? Is a streamer just a convenience?


Showing 2 responses by mapman

Pretty sure the measurements are taken using the analog output as input and are not done in digital domain.  Analog out is why it’s a DAC and not just a D.   So there is that.

Streamers do not sound alike but stick with well known quality products these days and it’s hard to go wrong. Much harder than say with most any popular media format that preceded streaming.

Dacs….also much much better for much much less these days but again each may sound different. Some quite a bit! Hard to find any good quality one (based on measurements) at most any price though that will sound flat out bad.  I have a $80 portable DAC I use when out and about and it is very very good (as advertised). That is progress!

DCS has a new SOTA 5 box 6 figure cost DAC. DCS has always been known for its cutting edge DAC technology and having heard their products I agree. Would love to hear that one on a system capable of delivering all the goods.