Do I Really Need a Dedicated Streamer?

Hello. I have my iPad connected via USB to my excellent Chord DAC. I use Spotify mainly to stream. Why do I need a separate streamer (Wiim or BludSound Node) to play my music? Is a streamer just a convenience?


Showing 1 response by ararem

As @bbenzaquen6343 stated: 

"you need to get ride of Spotify and get Qobuz. They also have a 2 months free period. I guarantee you will hear the difference.

Once you hear it, you can unheard it."

Agreed wholeheartedly... and the costs are about the same. Just make sure to seek out and attentively listen to some of the hi res audio available. 

In the first trial month, I'd suggest doing some A/B testing against Spotify. Assuming you hear superior results via Qobuz, in the second month, I'd suggest getting a trial subscription to Roon, and (with their DSP set up best for your signal path & components), doing A/B testing between Qobuz hi res and Roon processing Qobuz hi res. 

Pardon the redundancy, but it's true, once you hear it, you can't unhear it.