
Responses from ararem

Getting a Divorce and can now buy floor standing speakers
Given your budget, you could probably enlist a skilled builder/artisan and have a bespoke set made for you. Buying "off the shelf" speakers, you'll likely invest a lot of time and perhaps some $$ looking for synergy (which certainly could be fun).... 
The end of physical media is neigh
The history of hominids making music goes back well more than 100K years; physical media has only existed for the last 147 of them. I think we're way too close to have any perspective as to whether physical media (containing recorded music) is a g... 
Do I Really Need a Dedicated Streamer?
As @bbenzaquen6343 stated:  "you need to get ride of Spotify and get Qobuz. They also have a 2 months free period. I guarantee you will hear the difference. Once you hear it, you can unheard it." Agreed wholeheartedly... and the costs are abo... 
Looking for High Quality Streamer Only Options (NO DAC)?
@jbhiller: re: Auralic Aries Mini as Roon endpoint… when it first came to market (almost a decade ago), I don’t think it was yet certified as “Roon Ready” so older documentation may not indicate it can run as an endpoint. However, with firmware up... 
Looking for High Quality Streamer Only Options (NO DAC)?
Track down a used or BNIB Auralic Aries Mini. Picked one up (BNIB) a couple months ago for less than $250. Has a DAC, but it’s bypassed if you route the outbound signal into an external DAC. Mine is fed by ethernet. To date, it’s functioned perfec... 
My wife weighed in…she wants piano white tower/bookshelf
Some gorgeous speakers, for sure. The one thing that I wish more manufacturers would embrace is moving from black grills (for white speakers) or at least offer options in white or light-ish gray. In many instances, white speakers can lessen their ... 
New Cure Release
Have yet to hear the new release, but I caught a live show in 2023. My 2nd Cure concert, the first being on the Kiss Me (x3) tour; yeah, I’m old.   Anyway, as I imagine many are here, I have high standards for a great show. The 2023 Cure preforme...