Do I need to use filler in my speaker stands?

I ordered a pair of Skylan stands for my monitor speakers.
How important is it to fill the stand legs with fill material?
I'm mainly interested in improving imaging and transparency and getting the speakers to disappear.

The tonality I get now on on my monitors (not Harbeths) is about perfect to my ears on some little cheap Polywood tables I am using temporarily.

(Filling or un-filling stands with litter or sand is a really messy process and I'd like to avoid it unless if possible.)
Thanks in advance.

Showing 1 response by steveaudio

*The tonality I get now on on my monitors (not Harbeths) is about perfect to my ears on some little cheap Polywood tables.*

What are your current monitors? I have Totem Mani-2's on the totem steel stands--unfilled--& like you, I think my system sounds beautiful with the stands "empty". Honestly, am I going out to buy a big bag of sand, or lead shot, to "see if they sound better that way"? Also, how do you move the stands if you need to? It's gotta be a royal pain to remove the sand, or whatever.

I also have a pair of Osiris steel stands, also "unfilled". I had Merlin TSM's on them, & now Spendor S3-5's, & both speakers sound or sounded beautiful that way. Provided: that all the other components are of very high quality. (My C-J preamp blew up & I'm now using some stupid Krell integrated I had around with the Spendors, so right now I've got a way bigger sound quality problem than filling or not filling stands).

Hhmmm....would anyone know how to cut up a Krell KAV300i into small enough pieces to fill speaker stands.....??