Do I need a streamer?

Streaming devices, with or without an internal DAC, seem to be very popular these days, so I am wondering if I am missing out on something.  I have Audirvana on my iMac that streams Tidal and music from my 8 TB external HD.  My iMac resides next to my audio rack and I connect my iMac via an optical cable (Fibbr) to my Aqua LaVoce DAC.  It seems to me that my iMac and external HD take the place of a streaming device.  Am I missing out on something other than convenience?  My external HD was a few hundred bucks and streamers a whole lot more.  The sound of my system is fantastic. 


Another vote for a dedicated streamer, especially with your excellent DAC.  A computer is about the worst source of streaming due to excessive noise, which is the mortal enemy of better streaming performance.  I started streaming Qobuz from my iPad, and adding even a low-budget iFi Zen Stream ($399) was a huge improvement.  You could consider something like an Innuos Zen Stream that along with being a very good streamer you can load your CDs directly into it.  In streaming, I’ve found everything can make a significant difference, which is both exciting given all the areas to get better sound but also a bit daunting.  Such is audio, but it’s well worth it and you can just upgrade pieces in stages, which is nice.  Hope this helps, and best of luck.  

In capable high end systems MACs and PCs cannot compete with dedicated streamers. They are far superior and can sound as good or better than vinyl. Of course you have to carefully choose them and make sure they conform to your values in sound. 

So it comes down to your overall system. Taking a look at your DAC… something like an Aurender N200 should significantly exceed the sound quality from your MAC. But it does depend on the rest of your system. The higher the resolution of your preamp, amp and speakers the bigger the difference… and the venue is important as well. I would recommend putting some photos and your components under your UserID as a virtual system and that will allow us to better assess your situation and be helpful. 

If you want to experience the glories of streaming remove the computer from the audio chain.