Do I need a streamer?

Streaming devices, with or without an internal DAC, seem to be very popular these days, so I am wondering if I am missing out on something.  I have Audirvana on my iMac that streams Tidal and music from my 8 TB external HD.  My iMac resides next to my audio rack and I connect my iMac via an optical cable (Fibbr) to my Aqua LaVoce DAC.  It seems to me that my iMac and external HD take the place of a streaming device.  Am I missing out on something other than convenience?  My external HD was a few hundred bucks and streamers a whole lot more.  The sound of my system is fantastic. 


Showing 1 response by boomerbillone

It seems to me that the issue revolves around the ownership of the music. Streaming gives you access to an enormous library of music - almost everything ever recorded! Streaming enthusiasts are often not interested in owning physical media, since they can "dial up" anything they want to hear anytime. Why waste space storing CD boxes, record albums (silverfish eat the cardboard covers), or even external hard drives if you don't need them? But if your cell phone towers fall down, or the local nodes fail, or a hurricane knocks out the businesses you !get your music from - no tunes for you!  Some of us old guys think it's normal to own your own music. "That's how we did it when Brubeck and Basie were alive!"

I use a 10 year old laptop feeding a Sony DAC and get excellent sound (as good as a CD anyway) and I can record it if I want via an outboard digital recorder (hand held, usable for recording live music/environmental sounds. It can handle 96/24 for live music and is way better than 44/16). Most streaming is CD quality.  I don't use wireless. It's only half as fast as a wired connection. Being an old guy, I don't mind opening a CD box, putting on a record, or (now nearly always) loading up music on a hard drive into my music playing software. My computer lets me write/edit music/edit photos/use the internet and stream music at the same time. If you like what you have, enjoy the music! If  you live in a "tiny house" and have no room for storing physical media, If you'd rather travel light and live in a trailer - stream on! If you enjoy the latest in hi-fi gear, buy it and enjoy the experience. Happy Listening.