Do expensive cables/wires REALLY make a difference

Im fairly new to the hifi world and just recently purchased a couple of high end question is this:ive been reading alot about cables and speaker wire,do the expensive ones really make that big of a difference???Is it really worth spending a small fortune on cables?? And is Monster Cable really overrated like ive been reading? Any help would be useful,thank you.

Showing 1 response by moryoga

Yes. No question. You have to find the right cables for your system, room dynamics etc. I personally prefer staying with one companies cable at a time as this seems to sound best. Sure, cable companies make huge profits, but there are some really smart guys out there doing real r&d every day with real science, engineering, craftsmanship etc. I doubt, for the most part, that these are sleazy people in back rooms laughing at fools willing to throw money away. They're trying to run companies, feed their families and go home feeling like decent human beings, so even though it's expensive they're putting in their time. That being said, if retail is too painful, that's what Agon is for. Get serial #'s and make sure your not buying bootleg. I generally avoid anything coming from China, Asia, sorry, just my opinion based on experience. Companies would rather you buy retail but will usually confirm a cables authenticity if you ask nicely and they are high end enough to mark their cables with #'s.
Spend as much as you can hide from your wife and enjoy.