Do equipment stands have an impact on electronics?

Mechanical grounding or isolation from vibration has been a hot topic as of late.  Many know from experience that footers, stands and other vibration technologies impact things that vibrate a lot like speakers, subs or even listening rooms (my recent experience with an "Energy room").  The question is does it have merit when it comes to electronics and if so why?  Are there plausible explanations for their effect on electronics or suggested measurement paradigms to document such an effect?

Showing 50 responses by mapman

Anyone with google can look up the meaning of hypothesis versus theory and determine what equating the two indicates.

All I can say having read all this is may I please have the 10 minutes of my life I just spent reading this back?
Somebody was sleeping the day they taught that an hypothesis IS a theory.
Wow stop showing your hand there.   Must be an off-day.  

How about shorter responses so fewer words to read before realizing there’s nothing relevant to the topic there? Also go easy on the hypotheses. Those actually take some work and effort in order to gain support. Although maybe not as much in these parts as elsewhere perhaps. That would explain why certain roosters choose to roost in these parts.

Actually I and many others have opinions just like you do. The difference is I don’t insist to others mine are in fact true with nothing but words to back it up. You do. All the time. Running ones mouth about science is very easy. You do that well. Its also very lazy for one who claims to be a scientist. Words alone prove nothing. Of course you know all that already. Just summarizing.....
Oh and actually I am an engineer.  At least that's what the business card they give me says.
Lots of things get exposed all the time and nobody seems to care.

Either people are numb these days or some things are just not significant enough to loose any sleep over. Or both.  Whatever it is there is lots of it going around and some will naturally find ways to profit from it.
PRoblem with Wikileaks seems to be that the sources are questionable and nothing to assure material is authentic. There is nothing to prevent material obtained from being doctored and how material is obtained seems very shady .

But its things like that that contribute to the numbness. There is rightful questioning of the "mainstream media" as well. At least there are many players there so hard to totally obfuscate things though many try. Beats a single government run media at least.
Very entertaining thread along the lines that sports fans might find WWE entertaining. 

G also you can go back and study my posts over the years that you are obsessed with. I’ve commented on topics related to this one many times. I really can’t waste anymore time trying to have a constructive conversation with you. 
Gk I'll let you handle running your mouth and showing off how smart you are yet how little you actually accomplish.   You should be thanking everyone for even paying any attention to you. 

I’m not a seismologist but I was a geology major in college and did study geophysics. We never covered the effects on hifis. Go figure!

But off the cuff if your walls arent rattling I would not worry about it.

I did do a research project in grad school that won an award. It was on effects of earthquakes in the New Madrid Missouri area where the largest earthquakes in US history occurred. Even there I would not worry about it affecting my sound. It’s a silly topic really.

Just my 2 cents. I know gk cares. 😉
Keep rambling Kimosabe.  Maybe there is someout there who cares about your meaningless blather and useless products. 
Look gk and anyone for that matter are free to post whatever they want. These events Are documented. It’s when someone becomes insulting and condescending towards others I start to have a problem. Need not be towards me. Posting on websites is not a free ticket for bad manners and taste. Well actually it is but people should think twice before posting things that cast a bad light on themselves or others.

Just how I look at it. It’s a free country. Being rude and insulting is not against the law.

Gk thinks he is impervious to reality. For his sake I hope he is right.

My belief is certain things remain holy. Anyone can look up what those things are and decide to take them to heart or not.   

Anyhow back to the original question.

Its clear vibrations can have an effect on electronics. Keep increasing the magnitude of vibrations and eventually the effects will become clear.

What’s relevant though is do they actually have an effect that is audible and matters?

The correct answer of course is maybe. The greater the magnitude of vibrations at various frequencies and the more delicate the electronics the more the chance.

The practical approach I apply is to do everything possible to provide a solid foundation for gear to sit on. Speakers especially. Those will likely be the main source of any destructive vibrations in most good quality home systems. Approaches needed to accomplish that will vary case by case. How a house is constructed and where the system is located in it are major factors to consider.

Also worth noting that turntables are essentially mechanical transducers and are especially susceptible to ill effects of vibrations from speakers or elsewhere.

I've posted on this topic on various other threads available here on the record if anyone is interested.

Just follow the golden rule and things will be fine.  Internet changes nothing there.
Well there is a report this post function here that can always be used. Posts abusive to others generally get DELETED! its the only effective tool at ones disposal really.

Not sure all trash talk qualifies but one can always try.  It should be every responsible users job to help keep the site clean and trash free.    If everyone does, maybe things improve.

However nothing explicit there to reliably report fiction versus fact or blatant misinformation. Internet is quite susceptible there.

Trust but verify is probably always a good idea. If you can’t verify, don’t trust.

Gk just hit the report button if you have an issue just like everyone else.

You personally attack people who challenge your nonsense all the time. From there its an eye for an eye, bucko.

Change your approach and your post count that you so covet will go up much faster. Maybe you will even catch me someday.

Agear, critical thinking requires work and effort and a certain degree of humility even. keep on dreaming!
Gk said,

" There will be no joy in Mudville today. "

Not as long as your  opines are in play it would seem.

Gk said: 

" I get even."

Ah, I see, so you believe in that eye for an eye biblical stuff as well! You might want to reconsider though. Look at where its gotten the Middle East.

Well Gk is right about that. It’s not about him at all.

I’ll re-iterate my 2 cents from earlier FWIW and kindly bow out adding only that stands are part of the solution but alone may in fact accomplish something, little or nothing.

"Its clear vibrations can have an effect on electronics. Keep increasing the magnitude of vibrations and eventually the effects will become clear.

What’s relevant though is do they actually have an effect that is audible and matters?

The correct answer of course is maybe. The greater the magnitude of vibrations at various frequencies and the more delicate the electronics the more the chance.

The practical approach I apply is to do everything possible to provide a solid foundation for gear to sit on. Speakers especially. Those will likely be the main source of any destructive vibrations in most good quality home systems. Approaches needed to accomplish that will vary case by case. How a house is constructed and where the system is located in it are major factors to consider.

Also worth noting that turntables are essentially mechanical transducers and are especially susceptible to ill effects of vibrations from speakers or elsewhere.

I’ve posted on this topic on various other threads available here on the record if anyone is interested. "
GK so how do you address that with your system? And do you hear a difference before and after?

My stuff sounds great, better than ever as a result of the things I have done to isolate my gear from various vibrations at hand.   Detail, soundstage, imaging, articulate bass, you name it.  All better than ever for me.

But one can always do better I am sure.

I'm with you 100%.  There is always room for improvement.   But I like others to solve as much of these things for me as possible so I can cut right to just enjoying the music faster.
Thanks Atmasphere for providing that very useful information.

It certainly "rings" true for me.

Gotta expect that the experts who make these things and do it well are aware of the issues and address them to some extent accordingly which is surely part of why the good sounding gear sounds good.

As a simple home user, I leave those things to the experts and judge with my ears. At home, I do what I can to minimize vibrations that I can control, like the effects those coming out of my speakers may have. Or those transmitted through the floor or can occur whenever gear does not set on a solid and firm foundation.

My goal is to enjoy great sounding music. Some things are best left to the experts to solve, those who actually provide the gear we use and listen to with pleasure.

Very cool.  

Ever try try just holding it?  The body would provide a lot of damping of both s and p waves.  

I have spring loaded rotating adjustable feet under my dac.  They were rather pricey in their day especially for Radio Shack.  I had them though and use them and they work great as best I can tell.  My digital sounds awesome if I might be so bold to say. 
You got it. The spring loaded inner portion of my footers are the part that rotates. It provides the ability to level and provides stability compared to a spring alone.   I suspect this would help against those nasty p waves in particular should they ever beckon to keep the gear from rocking like a horse.   You rotate the inner portion to the height desired. These things work like a charm and would cost a fortune today. Who knew Radio Shack had it in them?
j_stereo I think you covered it well.

Do I really need the footers on the DAC? Probably not. But got them so I use them.  They definitely provide a few extra inches of physical separation between teh DAC and the pre-amp it normally sets on.   Can’t hurt.

I know setting on piece of gear on another to be a no no in general as well  in terms of providing other kinds of isolation, and I believe in that concept completely but that's another story.
They only move a little bit, enough to damp the most common vibrations of lesser magnitude, the ones you would never feel or know about otherwise. The grooves the inner part rotate in are wide enough to provide some stability. So you get the best of both worlds, attenuation and stability all in a nice simple package. I never realized how great those things really are. Almost got rid of them a number of years back being only from Radio Shack and all.
Lucky for you Radio Shack went under recently. So more market share for you now maybe.
GEoof stop insulting me.   You can insult my footers that's OK.  Your envy is showing!
It's not hard to detect vibrations. Just set a container of water on the subject and watch for ripples. It's natures natural vu meter for vibrations.    Of course be careful not to spill.  
Gk get your details correct. I said water will show vibrations. I did not say the source is seismic. Could be the gear itself, people walking on the floor, from speakers, nearby appliances.  Whatever. These are all possible variables but each case is different. Only way to know is to try. Also just because vibrations are present does not mean the sound will be affected. The only way to know these things in each case is run tests and see and hear.
gk your recall and  logic are both flawed. You collect your facts selectively and  draw conclusions as you see fit.

My position is on the record. Not expecting your endorsement.

Mapman out.
VIbrations are vibrations except some can be eliminated and some not.   You have to identify the source and determine if can be removed or not.   If so, remove it.   If not, tehn do what one will to deal with it as needed.

We can agree on that.   If teh source is the earth's seismic activity, it is what it is and one can determine whether they need care or not.

I'm just a music lover and curious reader always interested to learn something new that might help.  Happens much easier with some and not so easily with others.  Ob la di, ob la da....
It’ll be a cold day in hell that gk succumbs to that appeal to authority deal. 😉

Btw im guessing seismic vibrations/waves to her and geologists in general infer those where the earths plate tectonics are the source. Not including man made sources.

Just saying. As it relates to hifi what matters mainly is whether the source can be identified and controlled or eliminated if needed. But it can’t hurt to all be speaking the same language.

Isolating speakers (transducers are always by nature a prime source of vibrations) and associated vibrations from interacting with floors when needed makes a major difference in the room acoustics and resulting sound. Absolutely no debate there. I use Auralex subdude platforms under my floorstanders and isoacoustics stands under my monitors especially when floors are problematic which is whenever floors have give and are not completely rigid. Anyone with working ears can hear the difference. If you jump up and down and ripples show in your water setting on the floor you got a potential issue there.
Hmm, well there are Good Vibrations ( as per Beach Boys, sorry could not resist) and bad ones.

We all get to pick and choose. Or not.

I’ve been to Carnegie Hall. Some good vibrations there these days for sure, at least what I heard at Dress Circle level. I shoot for the same at home by any means possible.

Good Vibrations.....Cheers!
Uh, wouldn’t that make you the queen?

No for two reasons:

1) I do not dabble in nor profit from pseudo-science. You proudly do.
2) I do not swing that way but if you do, there is nothing wrong with that.

That's getting to be your calling card, the demand for data. Funny when it comes from someone who obviously doesn't understand data. Or even the concept. Maybe you and Moopman can commiserate over a couple of beers.

Its so funny how you actually believe your pseudoscience ramblings have any importance.  Never saw anyone waste so many words over nothing.
Just cut to the chase and listen to a Sony walkman like Mr. Vibrations and all these problems solved except for Walkman vibrations of course.
If Trump had a Secretary of Vibrations this whole thread would be FI...R....ED in short time!!!