Do different speaker stands can really make a big sound improvement?

I am looking for stands for my new Harbeth P3ESR XD speakers and wonder how much improvement one can actually hear between close to a $1000 stands and a $100 one filled with sand?


Did You Know?

Physics dictates that the stand supporting any loudspeaker establishes a mechanical relationship combining material science, geometry, and mass to functionality. This marriage impacts the sonic performance of the loudspeaker. The stand and speaker are linked to perform as a single vibrating entity. The same holds for floor-borne speaker systems and plinths or platforms.

The speaker stand is the difference maker. It determines how much or how little one hears and benefits from their loudspeaker. Locke Highleyman, ME Live-Vibe Audio


Do not forget stand must provide stability also.

A fallen speaker often results in dents, dings, and damage


I use Sound Anchors with my P3esr speakers.  The stands helped focus the sound and improved imaging.  I changed out the floor spikes with round headed carriage bold to avoid punching holes in my composite vinyl flooring (selected for acoustical damping;  the flooring is on solid concrete).  The speakers sit on small sorbothane pads on the corners.  With the carriage bolts installed I can drag out the speakers for a near-field experience when I want to, which increased involvement at the expense of a slight inconvenience.

I would recommend open-frame stands for all the other Harbeths, but the P3s work great on the solid stands.

Much also depends on type of speakers you are using.   Found that Maggies blom with the added rigid support of Mye stands.  The Maggie community has embraced them and recommended as the most bang for the buck upgrade  you can acquire.

If you have a mid fi audio system (seems most folks here do) speaker stands won’t  make much difference. 

if you have an entry level or better high end audio system speaker stands can make significant difference.