Do different speaker stands can really make a big sound improvement?

I am looking for stands for my new Harbeth P3ESR XD speakers and wonder how much improvement one can actually hear between close to a $1000 stands and a $100 one filled with sand?


All speaker stands have a pronounced effect on the speakers presentation. Some speakers work better with low mass stands and others with heavy high mess stands. Unless there is documented results from users as there is with Harbeth speakers, it is a matter of experimentation with your particular speakers.

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In a good system, any changes will make a noticeable difference. Be it speaker stands, rack material, type of spikes or never spiking, AC outlets, even the wall plates, type of room your system is in, and its acoustics with treatment (best bang for the buck) not to mention power cords that can make as big of a difference as a new piece of gear. Then of course all types of conditioners will change the sound, as well as the room temperature and humidity, so the more complicated your system the more factors you finally hear when sitting down and listening to your system which is why any reviews are only an opinion of what that speaker or gear sounded in that room with their gear etc. TAS does not exist, what does is the sound and taste of the coloration that makes your system so enjoyable.

@jallan Wrote:

As @akg_ca states, Harbeth’s are built with flexible speaker walls designed to resonate. It’s the whole idea…not to dampen things.

RadioShack speakers are designed the same way they vibrate like a Singer sewing machine. smiley


Either purchase open top skeletal stands (like Harbeth rec's) or raise the speakers from solid top stands with something "like" the tenons depicted in the above post.

Four smaller points of hard contact instead of placing the bottom of the speaker on a solid plate which would effectively dampen it.

Harbeth and others use lossy cabinet designs (Google it).

