Do Costly XLR Cables Make A Difference?

Serious question here. I currently own a rather good XLR cable that goes between the amp and DAC. I’m considering a better XLR cable to improve things, basically all the good aspects of sound reproduction such as deeper and more defined bass, better separation and detail across the frequency spectrum and an airier and more 3-dimensional sound in the midrange and treble. Will a different XLR cable supposedly one that’s costlier bring me to that direction?

My current XLR cable costs about $2k actual price paid.

I’m looking at an alternative pair up to about $2k perhaps $3k tops if it is proven that the cable is able to bring a noticeable or worthwhile if not significant difference. I am actually looking at the Wireworld Silver Eclipse 8 and Gold Eclipse 8 XLR.

Any experience would be appreciated. 



Showing 1 response by ghdprentice

It depends. We’re your original cables carefully chosen, researched across the spectrum of what is available? Then did you try several based on those you thought would be the best match? If not, it is likely of a much better sounding option.

I would think it is possible. But you want to get loaners, do comparisons. This is the best way to really customize your system to the exact sound that is right for you. You now have a “reference” set of interconnects. See if you can do better.