Do ClassDAudio Amps Have Proper Decay Of Notes?

I'm interested in the ClassDAudio kits. Has anyone tried them? I had a tripath amp once and it had a liquid, detailed quality that I liked but it was too fast with the decay so ultimately sounded a bit fake, even with a tube pre. Full-bodied, lush, but too fast. I've heard the Hypex modules from Holland have nailed the decay issue but they're miles out of my price range. Just wondering if the ClassDAudio kits are close in terms of decay.

Showing 1 response by ivanj


Another innovation, meaning a different melange of approaches in the Technics amps are the way they handle jitter. The Reference Class SU-R1 can handshake in digital mode (with some form of Ethernet) with the SE-R1 until the amplifier does a conversion to analog to drive the speakers....Note that the amplifier uses a linear power supply! The final innovation is the LAPC or load adaptive phase calibration. This seems like the F1 "boost button" that makes the Technics two top ranges so pleasing to reviewers. I have an acquaintance in the industry (he does not have a dog in the fight though) who has heard the Technics new range in the context of a magazine review although he was not the reviewer. He is a degreed engineer by trade and is pretty sanguine about "breakthroughs." He thought the LAPC circuit was astounding with a range of box speakers.
I expect to be auditioning the Technics SE-R1/SU-R1 after the CES madness calms down. I'll be using my analog preamp as well as digital direct sources. Speakers will be SoundLab U-1PX Consummates and perhaps some other unusual speakers.  Let's see if they can handle those puppies, as a regular amp and with the LAPC enabled.  I will report back.