Do ClassDAudio Amps Have Proper Decay Of Notes?

I'm interested in the ClassDAudio kits. Has anyone tried them? I had a tripath amp once and it had a liquid, detailed quality that I liked but it was too fast with the decay so ultimately sounded a bit fake, even with a tube pre. Full-bodied, lush, but too fast. I've heard the Hypex modules from Holland have nailed the decay issue but they're miles out of my price range. Just wondering if the ClassDAudio kits are close in terms of decay.

Showing 2 responses by celander

Everyone: There’s a bit of confusion here.

The OP is only concerned about products from one given manufacturer, namely Class D Audio out of Anaheim, CA.

The OP could not care less about opinions about class D topology for amplifiers.
@atmasphere it seems the “direct digital” aspects pertain to the device inputs being mostly digital in character. I gleaned this from an NAD rep ad made for AA on YouTube.