Do CD Transports benefit much from upgraded power cords?

Your experiences?


Showing 3 responses by steakster

@lalitk "...but it’s important to remember and rely on time and context to form meaningful impressions. Patience is the key in evaluating a piece of gear as sometimes subtle differences reveal themselves over days or weeks, not in an instant.


I find the first few hours after a cable swap to be a very inaccurate presentation of what the SQ will eventually be.  Especially with power cords.   The more time, the better.

I always have a good laugh when I read about A/B testing by the measurement crowd.  It’s obvious that they don’t know what they don’t know.


What you are describing is akin to: The Scientific Method.

Curiously, cable-contrarians claim 'science' to substantiate their arguments. Using measurements as sophistry. How does one measure qualitative vs quantitative? Just like the taste of scotch - mentioned above.


The electricity I receive at my humble abode is generated over 100 miles away. . . How on gods green earth can a 6 foot cable running into my amplifier make a difference?


During a two week rafting trip down the Colorado River - through the Grand Canyon - we drank water only from the river - lots of it. No bottled water. The river was hugely contaminated with viruses, bacteria, protozoa, waste products and who knows what else. Thanks to the last 6 inches of the reverse osmosis pump filter, nobody got sick - ever. I did that rafting trip twice.

Just like a household filtration system, the drinking water in the kitchen is filtered at the tap - just before the end user. It’s no different for an audio system.

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It’s important to understand that digital audio components themselves create noise - which is regurgitated back into the system circuitry. This, in turn, pollutes the other components. An audio system is its own ecosystem. The noise isn’t just coming from the utility company. Much is home-grown.

I use quality power cords in conjunction with quality power conditioners to clean my power. My ears tell me that it’s working quite well.