Do CD Transports benefit much from upgraded power cords?

Your experiences?


Showing 3 responses by immatthewj

 I enjoy clean, clear vocals, tight full bass, soundstage, the sound of the venue, etc., but simply cannot hear 1/10th of what many here do.

I can relate to that, @chocaholic . . . enjoying good sound but not having the acute hearing that others here possess.  But I also think that although I cannot readily identify that I am hearing something, I am but I just don't realize it.  What I do realize is that I am enjoying listening to my system more, even though I don't know exactly why.  Of course this opens its own can of worms and the potential of many rabbit holes.  

@lalitk , thanks for the vote of confidence, but actually I wish my hearing was acute to the point where I could immediately identify what gains or losses a piece of gear or a cable offered.  It would make the "quest" easier for me.  As it is, I do try to follow your advice of enjoying the journey and getting lost in the music.  If I could always  adhere to those words of wisdom I'd be less neurotic about the experience.

The experiment that I would most be interested the results of would be running the Romex straight of of the wall and not into a duplex outlet but instead connecting it to the female connector that connects tio a component. This would bypass the power cord (and the outlet) completely. I am sure that this would violate code, but I don’t really see why it would be anymore dangerous except for I guess it might take more time to unplug stuff in the event of an emergency. I am too lazy to try this.