Do better ingredients make a better Ground Wire?

We have all heard the slogan "Better ingredients better Pizza". If this is true with Pizza, how about applying this Principal to a DIY Ground wire I pondered. So I set off on a journey to find out if using better ingredients (wire) would make a better ground cable. My finding of course only apply to my system in my listening room using my ears (my wife and my Beagle dog don't count). But they heard the difference as well. To say this was a short trip is an understatement. To say that the two versions I made more than held there own is an even BIGGER understatement. One version uses solid core Silver wire. The other version uses a silver & Palladium mix. I made 4 of each kind, both versions terminated using a pure 8 awg copper spade. Do better ingredients make a better Ground wire. In my system, a very understated YES!!!
Ozzy, both the solid core Silver and the stranded Palladium & Silver wire are both around 14 awg thick. So that's 14 awg x 4 in one 8 awg pure copper spade.
I have some that are 2.5 inches loop length 5 inch long total cable and they sound better than the 12 or 14 inch cables.
Five inches just happens to be the wavelength in free space of a 2.4GHz WiFi signal. It also corresponds roughly to the wavelength of a signal induced and propagating in a wire at some cellphone frequencies.

The close spacing of the parallel conductors, and/or the fact that they are shorted together at the speaker terminal, probably results in dissipation of some of the energy that may be in the vicinity due to wifi or cellphone signals (notwithstanding the fact that the 6Moons review quotes one of the Audio Prism partners as denying that its effects are due to rf filtering).

Why any of that would be audibly significant, however, is beyond me, as is the mumbo jumbo in the review about ground plane effects.

-- Al
Hi, I know I broke Audiophile commandment number 3, "Thou shall never use the word magic in any audio discussions".( insert thunder clap). In spite of that laps on my part, what you gain is a since of realness to over all sound. With just the ground controls on your speakers there is a ease to the music that just comes across as less strained, the bass has more foundation. Dynamics seam sharper but not brighter. Everything just flows better. The Audio Prism Ground Control gave me all the above to a degree. The DIY ones I made (both versions) gave me all the above to a much higher degree ( in my system). I suggest reading some of the reviews and other opinions as well.
Just exactly what does this wire(with the "magic",as you say) do,and exactly how does it do it?
Let me take this time to take myself to task about how easy this design is. I did not do any of the R&D of this product, I have not spent any money bringing it to market. Heck, I don't even know who Audio Prism is or who is behind them, or a name or face. So I shouldn't be stating what is easy, simple, or trickery. So my apologies to those who put in the time, effort, and money to make this happen. I'm just a nobody enjoying the fruits of there labor. Tweak on!!!
Hifihvn, you bring up one of the most if not the most crucial points concerning the DIY ground wire I made. The length. My non laboratory study found that the total length of each cable should be less than 6 inches long. I use two 6 inch long Silver solid core wires in one 8 awg copper spade. So that makes a 3 inch loop in the spade with all 4 ends in the 8 awg copper spade. Total terminated length including the copper spade is 4 inches to 4.5 total length. And I have tried longer loop lengths of 6 inch to 7 inches and the magic (voodoo to some) is gone. Remember a 6 inch loop is 12 inches of cable, and 7 inches loop is 14 inches of cable. I have some that are 2.5 inches loop lenth 5 inch long total cable and they sound better than the 12 or 14 inch cables.
Sort of like an antenna to pick up more stray electrical interference in my opinion.I'll pass.
Hi, I see some members have sighted there concerns about the potential for this DIY ground control to ruin, destroy, or even blow up your amp. This simply is not my experience at all. I put this out to the Audiogon family to share with those who like to tweak and do cheap DIY projects like myself. And I for one like to hear the good bad and indifferent of opinions. Now as far as the ground cables I made or the ones that Audio Prism sells. Both are very simple in design. I just made mine out of different wire and a different spade. And without the unbleached cotton outer jacket. This is far from mystical and the stuff of legends, but I must admit it is strange how well it works (in my system). So all I did was satisfy my curiosity about "better ingredients" with a very cheap tweak that seems very safe to me, and keeps my wallet out of danger.
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People..... my understanding of this thing is that the other end of the wire is not connected to earth ground.(AKA, the safety equipment grounding conductor.) It is not connected to anything.

Example of, I believe.
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Hi, I'm talking about a DIY version of the Audio Prism Ground Control. I own 4 of these with the spade ends. I have two on my speaker negative post, and the other two are on my Classe S-700 power amp's negative post. I just made my own Diy version of the 4 Audio Prism Ground Control spades. I made 4 with solid core silver wire. Each one terminated on a pure copper spade. The DIY solid silver ground spades are faster than the Audio Prism. Have more impact slam, PRAT, details are better fleshed out than the Audio Prism, but the ease and flow is still there, just bolder, brighter, deeper, blacker. Now the silver & palladium mix spades have everything the solid silver have, but have slightly darker tone. Voices come out of blackness that's rich ,full, detailed and smooth. The Palladium & silver spades are very impressive. But the best combo has been the Palladium & Silver on my amp negative post, and the solid silver on my speaker negative post.
Jejaudio, Are you talking about ground wire that is part of a power cord? Or as a stand alone wire used to ground a component chassis to earth ground? In either case, what were the sonic differences for your two versions?
Hi, No this is a serious(real) post. I wrote a long detailed post yesterday with no humor and it was blocked. I have made the DIY Ground cables that are in my post, and my finding are real about the two different kinds of metals used. This is the TRUTH being told in a light hearted way, so it won't be blocked by the Sith Lords.