OP Do Audio Hobbyists Commonly Fail to Fully Utilize Their Systems?
No. A’philes aren’t failing to fully utilize their systems. Rather, they put too much effort to their incapable equipment.
Has anyone achieved the fully satisfactory audio system in audio history? Yes. There are 2. One is me. Another is mahgister.
I’ve improved my audio system constantly and I can’t improve it anymore and it has stopped improving. However, I am not satisfied with it’s sound. Why not satisfied? I found all recordings in the world are bad. Whatever the audio system anyone has, the reproduction audio sounds always bad with bad sound recordings.
Why all recordings are bad sounding? Because all microphone in the world are bad. All best mics are from 1930’s~40’s. The sound of mic is getting worse. Not getting better. If you don’t agree, I won’t argue.
The mic and speaker is basically same topology. When mic sounds are getting worse, the sound of speakers is getting worse. Same goes with audio equipment. A’philes put too much effort to their incapable audio system and the system can only produce veiled and unclear sound.
All speakers in the world sound like the left speaker in below, except my Wavetouch speakers. https://youtu.be/IHf_FSa8amE?si=s2rOqYytKE_7Z-uy
FYI, hi-fi audio sounds don’t blend with the natural sound such as dog barking, washing dishes, wife’s voice, blower sound, water flowing sound, etc. That’s way your audio sounds the best when you are alone and quiet. And your brain and ears have to process (converting bad sounds as if they are not, tricking your brain) those harsh sounds that your brain gets the listener’s fatigue.
Buying $20k power cords and $ million speaker won’t change your system’s sound like my system. What you’ll get is just a different sound. It won’t be meaningfully better because it still sound like the left speaker in above video. So, don’t put too much effort (money and time) to the incapable audio equipment until the quality of recordings are better.
My system: Wavetouch audio sound
Alex / Wavetouch audio