Do all tube preamps leak DC?

 I want to pair an Audible Illusions L1 tube preamp with a Job 225 amp. Although both pieces have high gain, the gain can be reduced manually via two gain controls on the L1 preamp coupled with a master volume control. But here is my concern, the Job 225 amplifier has a Direct Coupled circuit that could potentially pass damaging DC leakage on to the speakers. So the question remains, do all tube preamps pass DC to one degree or another, specifically the Audible Illusions tube preamp?

Showing 1 response by stereo5

I have been running Audible Illusions preamps (Modulus3, Modulus3A, and Modulus3B) for years into 3 different power amps, 2 Classe' amps and an Odyssey and never ever had a problem.  My only gripe is the preamps have too much gain!!!