Do all sunfire subs hum and pop?

I have a sunfire super junior that almost constantly hums and on occassion makes odd pop or ckicking sounds. I have witnessed anothere that had the same hum. Its sounds like the same hum that comes from my cieling fans or low voltage lighting. Obvious I suspect the power. I've tried the Monster HTS 5000. Didnt help. Before I spend more money I thought I'd put out some feelers. Any help would be appriciated. Everything else seems to be fine except a hum bar that runs from left too right only when watching DVD's. Sorry if this is a redundant topic. Thanks for any help.
I have a sunfire MarkII and have never heard any humming. It does pop when turning itself on or off but ill deal with that for the serious bass it pushes out.
get a 3 prong female with a two prong male and then plug the sub into that adaptor which is easily available - the hum will definetly stop!
My Sunfire sub s dead quiet, always has been. It sounds like an electrical problem within your home. Cheers,
yeah i agree with the consensus, i had a true sub mkiv, and it hummed and popped, and about drove me crazy, i got rid of it, and bought a different sub that is completely quiet
My first HT I had two sunfire subs and they both hummed and popped. Then I went to RELs, no problem. A few years later I bought two more sunfire subs, more hums and pops. Took them back and got Paradigm, no hums or pops. So, I think it is a design flaw.
I've tried the whole ground lift thing. Its been sent back once 'cause it stoped working completly. When I got it back the work order looked like they replaced everything but the outside cabinet at no charge. It never pops when it auto turns on but if I plug/unplug it from power it pops pretty nasty. So much that I cant even use the power switching on the Monster 5000.
Call Sunfire and send it back. They usually upgrade for free. You pay the shipping only. That's why I got rid of mine!
Hum is not good. I have a Sunfire Architectural. Dead quiet. Little pop when it goes on. Very little pop. A cheater plug may eliminate that hum.
I had a HSU sub do the same thing. After talking with Dr. Hsu, I went to homedepo and bought a jack that elimanates the ground on the plug. That did the trick. And it only cost $1.50.
A friend's 2-3 year old Signature would start to hum after being on for awhile. Same with the rep's Signature. Both went back to the factory for upfit and now no more hum.
Two of my Sunfire subs hum very slightly. One hums when I turn on one of my outside flood lights. Since I don't use the outside flood that much, this isn't a real problem. The other is part of my home theater system, and it sometimes starts humming when I'm playing a DVD. Obviously, this is undesirable. Fortunately, I can make the humming stop by flipping a particular light switch on, then off, but the hum sometimes restarts in 10 or 15 minutes (so I have to flip the switch again).

I'm not sure why the hum happens, but I attribute it more to bad light switches than a fundamental problem with the subs. If it really bothered me, I would replace the light switches. (Not there yet, though.)

One of my subs pops sometimes when it turns itself off or on. It's a small pop, but audible. Since it happens only once per listening session, I ignore it. If I wanted a really clean listening session, I would start up some material, have the sub pop itself on, then begin playing my material for serious listening after that. Good luck.