DIY Record Cleaning Solution

I just purchased a vpi 17 record cleaner. I'd like to make my own solution. Any suggestions? What has worked for you?

Showing 1 response by hdm

Why do it when you can have top quality cleaning solutions for 25 cents per record?

Buy a quality, purpose designed surfactant based cleaner such as MoFi Super Deep or AIVS that will clean a record for 15 or 20 cents and then buy the highest quality rinse/final wash available which is either reagent grade or ultrapure water which may cost another 5 cents a record if you're buying in bulk.

I'm always amazed at the number of audiophiles with megabuck collections and cartridges that want to skimp on cleaning solutions. Even those with budget setups will benefit.

Trying to DIY to save pennies is false economy after spending the amount of money you have on the VPI. Your ears, your records and your cartridge/stylus will all benefit from doing the right thing.