DIY AC cable...which bulk cable?

I am thinking about making a DIY AC cable for my linear power supply (19v, 6amps) feeding my music server PC. From looking at the VH Audio site, there are several options for bulk wire, which would you choose and why?

12 AWG unshielded twisted pair (Chris Venhaus Flavor 2 cable) ($6/ft)
Acrolink 7N-P4030 10AWG ($61/ft)
Neotech NEP-3001 10 AWG ($35/ft)
Oyaide Tunami ($30/ft)

Thank you.
I have 2 R1s in my power supply but just my digital source components are plugged into it. My power supply has shielded NEP-3001 going into it.

As far as shielded/unshielded depends on your environment and what you're plugging into the power supply. Possible it may not matter.

Also, shield on shielded power cables has to connect to one of the connectors so you will have to unbraid it and twist into a wire to connect to ground (if I remember correctly the male connector, floating on female end). Some cables have a shield drain wire which makes it easier but should not be connected at both ends.

Caveat: Hope this helps BUT I am no expert, please consult other sources before building your PC.
Tboooe - I think you misunderstood - I found the home depot cable to be as effective as the furutech cable, but only in this instance

So, for computer power cables I think you can used a much cheaper cable.

My findings for all my other hi-fi components was exactly the opposite - quality power cords are essential as you well know

Have you considered bulk cable from DH Labs Silver Sonic? They have two different power cord options, and I've read good things about the Power Plus cable at $8/ft. Thinking of doing some DIY cords too, but still undecided.
Heyimderrick - FYI you can also find the Red Wave cable in bulk on ebay - source is in the UK

Howver the price is up there with all the other "established" brands, so I think I would go for them first

Also - beware of fakes - I've seen Acrolink 6n for $20/half meter on ebay - seems a little too good to be true? Sourced in Hong Kong :-)

I've also tried DH Labs Power Plus and Encore and like you found them both to be very good - but my Favourite is still Furutech.

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