Divorcing..Splitting the cd collection..

Unfortunately my wife and I are divorcing. We have about 1000 cd's of which we both cherish very much.
We know splitting up the collection will be very hard if not impossible.
I suggested ripping ,if that is the right terminology ,to some kind of music server unit and make two copies so we both could enjoy the entire collection.As you probable can tell my knowledge in this area is very limited..almost nil.
Does this seem possible?
I am retiring so will have lots of time.
Any suggestions ,direction or sites that could get me started will be very much appreciated.
I should add I do not want to go the cheapest route as we/I (maybe) have a decent system and enjoy music very much.

Showing 1 response by aida_w

Well, I guess all the above solutions cannot help the loss of the real CD collection. They all describe just the keeping of musical data - not the medium itself and all the memories coming with it. So I'd suggest you sit down and really sort out who's gonna get which. It might come down to a couple of CDs where it is impossible to compromise but in most cases you'll beable to give away or keep the respective CD. In the end both of you will have at least half of the common memories (if desired at all!) and it's a fair agreement. For the rest of the CDs go for a decent hard disc and iTunes as described above. I'd suggest to rip NOT data reduced!
All the best for both of you!