Diva , PSB , Dynaudio or Meadowlark ?

Trying to stay in the $1500-2000 range,Ive kinda narrowed it down to these speakers: Diva 6.1, PSB Silver i, Dynaudio Audience 80, Meadowlark Shearwater Hot Rod. I,ve only read reviews and have no place to audition but they seem to fit my criteria which is 1 full range speaker with good Bass response,2 a relatively small footprint,3 not super fussy about placement and 4 look good (for wife). My equipment is Conrad Johnson MF 2200 (200wpc) and PFR preamp. Both are SS not tubes. My listening room (living rm) is 15' x 20' with a 12'x12' dining room at the end with no wall of separation. Speakers are on the short wall, however because of a door in that wall I only have about 12' of wall space for placement. Which of these speakers would you choose? As always your help is appreciated>
It is monitor of course but I found it much more balance than 5.3s. Ask walter about it. I hope he can give you more clue. However, 5.0s will loss some extension down as all monitor will. I'll trade low extension with balance.
I just purchased the new Linn Ninka speaker. It is a small floorstander that looks great and sounds terrific. Good luck with your speaker purchase.
I am a big fan of Meadowlark and Soliloquy. That being said, if your amp can drive them(and I believe it can), the PSB Gold i is the speaker for you. You will be able to buy them at the $1500 - $2000 price point, new. If you cannot find a dealer who will sell at this price, I will refer you to one. No other speaker on this list can be beat in terms of full range output and bass response, or mate as well to this size of room. However, you will be required to stick with a high current amplifier with this speaker. Tube amps need not apply.
Hey Trelja, Those were my first pick, but they are really big. Also was concerned with placement since I've been told they would need more room to breathe ie further away from walls. That is why I put the silver i on the list, figureing I could add a sub if needed. Also spouse approval will be harder to get on Gold i. Do you have these? Are my assumptions true about placement?