Diva , PSB , Dynaudio or Meadowlark ?

Trying to stay in the $1500-2000 range,Ive kinda narrowed it down to these speakers: Diva 6.1, PSB Silver i, Dynaudio Audience 80, Meadowlark Shearwater Hot Rod. I,ve only read reviews and have no place to audition but they seem to fit my criteria which is 1 full range speaker with good Bass response,2 a relatively small footprint,3 not super fussy about placement and 4 look good (for wife). My equipment is Conrad Johnson MF 2200 (200wpc) and PFR preamp. Both are SS not tubes. My listening room (living rm) is 15' x 20' with a 12'x12' dining room at the end with no wall of separation. Speakers are on the short wall, however because of a door in that wall I only have about 12' of wall space for placement. Which of these speakers would you choose? As always your help is appreciated>

Showing 8 responses by artemus_5

Hey Wcwhisper: Do you have these speakers and if so how particular are they about placement? With a rear firing woofer it would seem that they would require staying away from corners and front wall. Since they will be in my living room, I am confined to staying closer to walls than if I had a dedicated listening room
It seems that Soliloquy is a winner so far with Diva running a close 2nd. I had looked at them and forgot it. Didn't think I could afford the 6.3 and am not quite sold on a two way yet. Their 5.3 and the Meadowlark are both 2 way speakers. I had a set of large Advents back in the late 70's which were a 2 way and touted as quite a good speaker in its day. I liked them and was amazed that they could put out such a good sound for only a 2 way. However when I replaced them in the late 80's with a set of Infinity 3 way I could hear a more distinct midrange that I hadn't heard with the Advents. Maybe 2 way technology has advanced since then. I've been out of the market since late 80's until about 5 months ago when I had to replace aging equipment. I realize that speakers are a matter of taste and figure that I will buy used and If I don't like them I will sell them and move on to the next. However it would be nice to get a winner from the beginning. That said are the Soliloquys friendly to all types of music?
Thanks Bbroussard I talked to Walter last night (Mon) He seemed to think The 5.3 with a HSU sub would do better for me. I would be interested in your opinion. I'll email you later. I must go to work now so I can support my habit(s)
Hey Trelja, Those were my first pick, but they are really big. Also was concerned with placement since I've been told they would need more room to breathe ie further away from walls. That is why I put the silver i on the list, figureing I could add a sub if needed. Also spouse approval will be harder to get on Gold i. Do you have these? Are my assumptions true about placement?