Ditching Class A Amps due to Heat - Sort of a Poll

A discussion elsewhere about the future of Class A made me wonder how true one statement really is. So the questions are...

Have you done away with your Class A Amp due to Heat concerns?

Will you be moving away from Class A Amp due to Heat concerns?

Will you never buy a Class A Amp due to Heat concerns?

I only have a class A/B unit that does Class A up to 6 watts with almost no heat so really can't speak for those who have used in the past or currently own and run Class A Amps.


Showing 1 response by jimrobie

I'm not so worried about the heat. Where i live it helps keep the house cozy 6 to 9 months out of the year.  On the other hand, in Massachusetts their crazy "Strategic Electrification" program will mean my next electric bill will show an electric rate in excess of $0.40 per k/W.  So my admitted inefficient, but great sounding system will easily be adding $100.00 per month.  Yes, as class D evolves and improves it will be a consideration.  Yes, i am concerned about the value of my BAT amps and Tube preamps and my fan cooled A/B amps in an already shrinking audiophile market.