Ditching Class A Amps due to Heat - Sort of a Poll

A discussion elsewhere about the future of Class A made me wonder how true one statement really is. So the questions are...

Have you done away with your Class A Amp due to Heat concerns?

Will you be moving away from Class A Amp due to Heat concerns?

Will you never buy a Class A Amp due to Heat concerns?

I only have a class A/B unit that does Class A up to 6 watts with almost no heat so really can't speak for those who have used in the past or currently own and run Class A Amps.


Showing 1 response by gsclark65


Have you done away with your Class A Amp due to Heat concerns?


Will you be moving away from Class A Amp due to Heat concerns?


Will you never buy a Class A Amp due to Heat concerns?


I currently own Krell class A (FPBc series) and McIntosh class A/B amplifiers. They rarely are moved so but when they are it’s not too big a job for myself and either my wife or a buddy (got to protect the back, but will also say they have not moved in probably four years so I would not base an amp decision on moving them). My experience within my listening space there is no substitute to the class A sound. Liquid, fast attack, articulate, responsive. Our listening room is in the basement so don’t really feel the heat issues others discuss. My wife will occasionally mention the heat during the summer so when she does I turn off the Krells and power up the McIntosh. I like the sound of both our A and A/B amps - but for our speakers and room it’s the class A that take the best prize.  All that to say I’m intrigued with the advent of class D offerings - and would like to hear one. But like others - I’ve got an investment in what I have now and they all perform spectacularly.