Ditching Class A Amps due to Heat - Sort of a Poll

A discussion elsewhere about the future of Class A made me wonder how true one statement really is. So the questions are...

Have you done away with your Class A Amp due to Heat concerns?

Will you be moving away from Class A Amp due to Heat concerns?

Will you never buy a Class A Amp due to Heat concerns?

I only have a class A/B unit that does Class A up to 6 watts with almost no heat so really can't speak for those who have used in the past or currently own and run Class A Amps.


Showing 1 response by alexatpos

Living in the area where the temperasture is around 95 F for at least 3 month of the year. Have p.single ended tube A class amp and preamp and do not switch on the amps at all during the summer. Than again, hi fi is a winter sport, plenty of other interesting stuff to do during the summer...would I change for some other kind of amp? If I find some that gives the same illusion of live music (like tubes do) yes, but so far ss or hybrid did not delivered it. Have not heard any ganfet amps, curious about it...