Distributed Bass Array configuration

Please, I don't want to debate the merits of the DBA nor of those who espouse it. I am considering adding two more subwoofers to a system that has two already. To those who use a DBA,I am interested in how you have configured them, specifically--
  1. Do you run in mono, or do you split the array to run in stereo?
  2. What is your approach to setting phase (delay) among speakers that may be facing different directions and are different distances from the listener?

Showing 5 responses by hilde45

OP, I have this inquiry happening now, too. Here is a very informative discussion that moves past some top level opinions, one way or the other. 


"We take a look at stereo vs mono bass in a multi-sub 2CH and home theater environment. Does Stereo bass have merit and is it worth going through the potential complications of configuring your system to accommodate stereo bass? Watch our Youtube discussion to find out."

Here’s a key moment from the video above -- https://youtu.be/1X_n6kG9FOc?t=970

Point: there is a difference, because there is such a thing as stereo sub effect, but these are limited cases and depend on the recordings; plus, even when it is in the recording, it is not always easy to hear; plus, and this seems key, it may not be as effective as running all subs in mixed mono because that’s more effective in dealing with room modes. That’s what Poes says, at least.
@mike_in_nc Have you gotten what *you* need from this thread? (MC putting people down and elevating his own genius is, as usual, a freebie.)
Another novice arguing that it can matter and it's not all mono. SOME benefits of running subs as STEREO. Paul McGowan. 
But what would he know?
@mijostyn Both the experts cited have extensive experience in audio, i.e., it’s their profession. Neither are subwoofer salesmen. In both cases, their answers were detailed, and in both cases, they explained pretty carefully -- in Poes’ case, with great detail. In both cases, neither proffered sweeping generalizations about stereo bass, Indeed, the case was pretty well established that in many cases, mono bass was better for room acoustics and might be the only thing hearable, anyway. The information they provided is not susceptible to ad hominem remarks. To be clear, they are not offering arguments that are "pro stereo bass" or "pro mono bass."  They rebut the claim that there is NO such thing as stereo bass and it can NEVER matter. There is, and it can, with all the qualifications provided. I thought that the OP's question was seeking to learn about this topic, so I provided what seemed like good information, rather than just my experience, which is meager.