Disservice: XLR interconnects

I ended up shelling out some serious bucks and buying Cardas XLR interconnects and connected them between the Luxman C900U, M10X and the hifi Rose RS150B. I am blown away, at the details and just how it bumped up the sensation of just the beautiful musicality..

I have to say, I am no longer in the camp of cables don't matter. In fact, I think folks who say cables do not matter are doing a great disservice to the audiophile community. 


Showing 2 responses by dz13

I was also a cable doubter but tried some used Silversmith Fidelium and heard a significant difference. Then I tried an expensive usb cable for crying out loud and that made a difference. This is some crazy business. I didn't think a cable that carries 1s and 0s could make any difference. I guess you just have to use your ears.
@rman9, I kid you not. It's actually almost disappointing because it means you have to consider paying a premium for every cable and interconnect. I bought a Hapa Aero USB Cable from a trusted poster over at Audio Circle. I got him down a bit because I said I cannot abide paying more than a certain amount for a USB cable. But dang if I didn't hear an immediate difference which was more detail in the upper range. I play music mostly from my computer which goes to my DAC (another thing I doubted made much difference and again was proven wrong) via USB. The other thing is that I use RCA cables from my DAC (iFi pro iDSD) to my integrated amp because it is a 15 foot run. When I ultimately retire and relocate everything, I can use the XLR cables. I don't want to buy a 20 foot premium XLR cable because that would be really expensive so I'll wait until it's only a 1 or 2 meter run.