Discounts vs. Agon listings

I did a simple favor for a distributor. In kind, they offered me a 20% discount on any new product they sell. I'm looking to get back into vinyl in a small way, and I've had my eye on a VPI scout (this company offers most other well known turntables; Rega, Thorens, Marantz, Avid, Clearaudio, Mitchell, ect.) . My question is, when considering that the VPI's new, 1800 retail price falls to 1460, is this a good enough discount, or is searching the Agon listings a better bet for finding a decent, used turntable?

My equipment is Quicksilver V4 monos and linestage pre with Thiel 1.5s. Another has a Sophia Electric EL34 driving Sililoquy 2a3s. I know I'll need a phono pre, disc washer, cartridges, etc., but I'd rather get the biggest obstacle out of the way first.

Thanks for any help.

Showing 1 response by rf_gumby

The Fremer DVD for $30 is a dandy way to learn, and there's details specific to VPI arms on it. You don't necessarily need some of the nice gizmos shown on it, the VPI comes with an alignment jig and a Shure force gauge to set tracking force> I'd say go for the discounted deal on the new table and pop another $30 for the setup DVD.

You were honest and expected nothing in return. You deserve the discount, and the relationship will buy you some Q&A time on the phone if you need it. Go for the ride. You should have one of those boxes sitting on your floor that you don't have to give back!

It's o.k. to want to play with analog just to learn and enjoy another medium. I think that's what many frequenting this forum did as well.

Good luck,