Discount Stores, i.e.

I am planning to buy some KEF speakers and see that they are heavily discounted on, while they are exactly the same price in most other stores.

Does anyone have experience with that store or other discount stores? It almost sounds too good to be true...
I would not go with a speaker company telling you not to buy from another discount speaker company. They are probably just trying to protect the people who did pay royalty/authorization fees. i would however trust users, who bought.  The only negative comment I found regarding NAV was a complete mistake, and buyer gave rebuttal/apology. I am skeptical as well, b/c the speakers are $100 less than anyone else. The site is very detailed, a red flag to me usually comes with a lax web site. They do charge enormous amounts for shipping, but still comes out $100 less. We shall see.
The problem is when it comes time to honor a warranty repair, the manufacturer may not honor the warranty. I was in contact with another retailer on this site who also offers discounts on equipment that is not usually discounted. I asked him about the warranty and was told that if there ever was a problem, I should send the product back to him for repairs and not send it to the manufacturer. With that information, I decided not to take the chance.
I'm rather surprised that no-one has bothered to ask them if they're an authorized dealer for whatever specific brand of equipment they're looking for. I've sent them an email asking if they're an authorized dealer for RBH but haven't heard back yet - probably because it's the weekend.
I have the same issue with the purchase. It's not Monitor Audio but JBL 4312E speakers. I was told that JBL won't sell them their speakers because
they are 30% cheaper compared to other dealers. It's still on stand by. Will see. NEWAUDIOVIDEO.COM IS NOT AUTHORIZED DEALER.
Called New Audio, spoke to the character people have described as rough around the edges, he said they had the Rel sub in stock. Placed my order online. 1 week later, still no sub. Called into their customer service, then got the "ah, we don't have that item in stock, but we can sell you something else?". Said no, please cancel the transaction (I purchased through PayPal). Several days later, transaction still pending... seems shady to me. Wouldn't purchase unless through Paypal, and don't hold your breathe you'll get what you've purchased, even if they verify it is in stock before hand.