Discount Stores, i.e.

I am planning to buy some KEF speakers and see that they are heavily discounted on, while they are exactly the same price in most other stores.

Does anyone have experience with that store or other discount stores? It almost sounds too good to be true...

Showing 1 response by mlmiller707

I would not go with a speaker company telling you not to buy from another discount speaker company. They are probably just trying to protect the people who did pay royalty/authorization fees. i would however trust users, who bought.  The only negative comment I found regarding NAV was a complete mistake, and buyer gave rebuttal/apology. I am skeptical as well, b/c the speakers are $100 less than anyone else. The site is very detailed, a red flag to me usually comes with a lax web site. They do charge enormous amounts for shipping, but still comes out $100 less. We shall see.