
While I am in the hospital recovering from a hip operation, my wife tells there was a fire in my music room and all the components are covered in soot.
Does anyone know if equipment is recoverable after being covered by soot?
This is a vintage system with many modifications and can't be replaced


Showing 15 responses by rvpiano

Rega RP3 turntable, TT PSU, Rega white belt, Grado Sonata Reference cartridge, Conrad-Johnson P-11 pre-amp (modified), Oppo Blu-ray player ( used as transport), Theta D S Pro Prime DAC, Cardas cables and interconnects, NuForce 9 Mono Block amps (modified,), Dalquist DQ 20 Speakers (modified).

the heart of the system is vintage:   Conrad Johnson, Dalquist, Theta.

Thank you for your good wishes.
it would be nice to come one to a clean room with working stereo.

You know, I'm not sure about the CDs, but the record covers are exposed to the air and the soot.
They are telling me that it infiltrates the CD covers too.
I will have to see for myself.

Thank you for our good wishes. I'm doing better.
The fire started in the furnace room itself -- no flames just smoke.

i just found out that all of my thousands of CDs and LP's may not be recoverable  because of the soot.
A total wipeout of my musical life!
The components are in the hands of an electronics restorer. No word yet on whether they are salvageable.
The insurance should cover monetary losses.  But how do you replace thousands of LP's or a vintage stereo system?
The insurance company is working on it and there is a company that restores electrical equipment with smoke damage on it too.
thanks for your good wishes.
Thank you for your post.
 I'ts been over a month since the fire and I still have not seen my equipment. It was taken by an electrical restorer and not yet returned.  He's removing the soot and placing the stuff in an isobaric chamber for five days to get rid of the odor.

The music room was gutted by the contractor and is in the process of being rebuilt. The silver lining is that the contractor is installing built in the wall shelves for my 1000's of CDs and records which also were contaminated and had to be treated.

So, after a total of two months, hopefully, I can be back to normal.

I didn't realize it at the time, but we since found out that it was very close to life-threatening.  The furnace that caught fire is on the other side of an adjacent wall, inches away from where my wife was sleeping. If it had gone on longer the fire would have reached her.
As it turns out, the records and CDs have been treated and are probably playable.  The jury's still out as to whether the equipment is salvageable. It, too,  is being treated to see if it still works.

the only silver lining is that they are rebuilding the music room and are customizing it for in-wall media storage.

Well,  I got my room, media and equipment back intact.  It cost $5000 (which insurance paid) just to rehabilitate the smoke damage to my equipment, but it came back as good as ever! Very lucky.
All the records and CDs are awaiting the installation of the shelves before they return.  I have a couple of cartons back to listen to in the meantime.
So, the "disaster" could have been much worse, particularly since no one got hurt.
It's now been about five months since I had the fire and began the posts.
 Well, the room is now beautiful with a twenty foot wall of empty built in CD and record shelves.  The equipment survived in great shape and sounds as good as ever.
However, I just got my CDs and records back from storage and have dozens!!  of cartons taking up much of a very large room. I now have to go through the cartons and organize.  It will probably take weeks.
Jafant: How do you PM on this site?

Right now my room looks like a warehouse.
when I'm finished with shelving the 1000s of CDs and records I'll send you a picture.  Might be a while.
Falconquest:  Your case is a lot worse than mine.  At least my house survived, even though three rooms had to be gutted.  Also, my equipment and media came back like it never happened.  I really feel for you.

After several 18 hour days of unpacking and cataloging many thousands of records and CDs, and making wrenching descisions as to what to dispose of (at least a thousand) because they wouldn't fit on the shelves, I'm just about finished.
After I figure out how to post photographs here, I will do so.  Hopefully soon.
I got to "systems", but I can't find where to post photos.
Easier to send a PM