The limited placement options are your challenge. In my experience, for low volume listening, if you cannot play with placement, you might try dipolar or bipolar speakers. Those are more airy in a greater variety of listening positions. Less sweet spot oriented. Problem is those need to be out from the wall. My Maggies are wonderful low volume speakers. But the wife never goes in that room...
Also, Roon has some DSP and room correction features you might play with.
That said, babies make a lot of noise. Headphones for the next 3 years, then try again. Your utopian idea of everyone in the living room talking and you still listening to music at high fidelity is very sweet, but if that happens for 10 minutes per day you're doing better than I ever could with the family. Best audio in my life during that period was in the car!
Also, Roon has some DSP and room correction features you might play with.
That said, babies make a lot of noise. Headphones for the next 3 years, then try again. Your utopian idea of everyone in the living room talking and you still listening to music at high fidelity is very sweet, but if that happens for 10 minutes per day you're doing better than I ever could with the family. Best audio in my life during that period was in the car!