Directional cables - what does that really mean?

Some (most) cables do sound differently depending on which end is connected to which component. It is asserted that the conductor grain orientation is determining the preferential current flow. That might well be, but in most (all) cases the audio signal is AC (electrons going back and forth in the cable), without a DC component to justify a directional flow. Wouldn't that mean that in the 1st order, a phase change should give the same effect as a cable flip?

I'm curious whether there is a different view on this that I have not considered yet.

Showing 20 responses by andy2

Had to choose one of many threads on the topic. Dart hit this one...

On Directionality:

by Roger Skoff // Positive Feedback "Which Way to Run a Cable"

Thanks for the link.  Will read later with a glass of wine :-)
This is an interesting subject to say the least.  
Some say directional
Some say bs
Patience costs money lols
If there are a “lot of tiny diodes” in the wire as you suggest how do you explain why they would all be in the same direction?

I don't think I said that they would all be in the same direction.  What I said is that even if they are randomly distributed, in term of probability, it is highly unlikely that all these "tiny diodes" would be distributed in such a way that the signal will cancel themselves out.

First I am not an expert in cable manufacturing, but based on what I've read, the way the cables are "drawn" in the manufacturing process, it is possible that these diodes would favor one direction over the other.  

Also, I am just trying to get people to discuss.  Anyone is certain welcomed to chime in.  I am not going to claim I know more about this topic than any others.

In the ordinary world, the one outside of audio, the word directionality has no meaning. It’s strictly an audiophile term.
It is likely that "directionality" if it exists, probably would not affect, says, high speed communication, but we over the years have found out that our hearing is sensitive to things that are difficult to explain and hard to measure ... hence the debate about things such as burn-in and so on.  
The signal travels in one direction down the wire >>>>>>> from the source to the load. It is NOT alternating back and forth.
The signal, energy, travels down the wire in the form of an electromagnetic wave from the source >>>>>> to the load. It is not alternating back and from the source to the load. > < > < > < > .
I understand what you’re saying, but energy flow only explains part of the equation. The other part is what in the actual metal structure that affects the flow of energy in one direction vs the other.  I mean what in the metal structure that favors the direction of energy flow.  I am still looking for a scientific explanation why in one direction, energy flow is better vs. the other.
Anyway, since this forum does not allow posting picture or images so it's hard to discuss anything technical here, I created a thread over at and make an attempt, albeit a bit primitive and you could say "simple minded", to understand cable directionality.  But that's all I got lols.
So far there are a few possible phenomenals but no one has really able to articulate a plausible scientific explanation. Here are some that I have heard:

1. Diode affect
2. Metal latice structure due to manufacturing process
3. Resistance (especially high freq) is different based on which direction (but the signal is AC).

The link to Roger Skoff article is helpful but I think they are more or less "conjectures" but there are really no "hard" evidence.  
If higher metal purity results in better sound, then Skoff’s imaginings show some merit. The differences can be small but the end product is a more enjoyable one, and to some, it’s worth it to pursue and make.
I understand. It’s like in the court of laws, there are a lot of circumstantial evidences but I am still looking for the so called "smoking gun".

For example, lets say you have a diode.  You connect a sine wave source on one end, and measure the output on the other end.  Then you connect the same sine wave source on the other end and measure on this end.  The output should be the same.  But of course its more complicated because you have a lot of these small diodes in the metal structure, not ONE diode.  So I am looking for some "hard" explanation why these diodes would make a difference.
There is no evidence to support the idea of tiny diodes occurring in wire or tiny magnets for that matter.
I only repeat what I've read from the article.  I don't know either.  You're guess is as good as mine.

As for high-speed communications, as fate would have it directionality shows up in audiophile Ethernet cables, USB cables and HDMI Cables.
That's is because ultimately your hearing is sensing the difference if it's audio application related. 

What I meant is that in term of other high speed communication that is not audio related, directionality probably not an issue.  I mean there are a bunch of high speed communication that has nothing to do with audiophile.  
I can't wait for Part 2.  I got enough money for all the booze in the world lols.
Andy, let me explain something to you. Whenever you come here and post a comment and interrupt me, you’re breaking my concentration. You’re distracting me. And it will then take me time to get back to where I was. Understand? Now, we’re going to make a new rule. When you come in here and you hear me typing or whether you DON’T hear me typing, or whatever you hear me doing; when I’m in here, it means that I am working, that means don’t come in. Now, do you think you can handle that?

Let’s hear your Part 2. I got the entire Albertsons beverage selections at my disposal. If I distract you, just drink some booze.  Since you wasted my time, I'll distract you :-)  Fair game.  
That's it?  I thought it would come in a weekly installment like the Bachelor ... er ... I mean the Bachelorette since it's our Kait :-)
Looking forward to Part 2 next week release.  I still got my Avengers End Game end of July streaming release on my calendar.  
That’s .....very.....good....Andy. You’re ....very....independent
Should I read that from left to right or right to left?  
If  directionality and "diodes" exist in wire then I should be able to detect pulsating DC on the other end when connected incorrectly.

I don't think it will be a simple measurement like you would with discrete components.  These diodes, if they exist as has been claimed, are distributed in the body of the metal in a way that are not as simple as we could call "series", "parallel" or so on as we would characterize discrete components.  Whatever the effect of these diodes in the signal transmission, it will be elusive and difficult to capture.

Can it be measured?  It's possible but to be honest, it may be as complicated as rocket science.  As Richard Feynman said, if what he did could be explained he probably would not have received the Nobel prize.  If directionality is easy to be measured, you probably would have seen someone done it already.

Just like dark matter, dark energy ... just because we have not seen it directly, it does not mean they may not exist.
Actually, directionality can be measured - and has been measured.

Where’s the data? It has to be actual proven data and not in some guy’s wet dream.  Oh, I got it.  It's one of those "Top Gun" thing where "I can show you but I have to kill you" right?
It means you paid a lot no doubt for something that is not real. You now have bragging rights but no improvement to speak of for audio.
For a moment I thought you were talking about beauty augmentation.
Pop Quiz! Multiple choice! Hooray!! 🤗

More money 💰 than _______ (fill in the blank)

a. Tire irons
b. Donkeys
c. Potatoes
d. Asparagus
e. Cheese Balls
f.  None of the above

I had a dream in which I was like Michael J Fox in Back to the Future waking up like super rich, then woke up again back to dead poor lols.
At least it gives me something to chew on while I am sipping Cabernet Sauvignon lols.