Direct drive/rim drive/idler drive vs. belt drive?

O.K. here is one for all the physics majors and engineers.

Does a high mass platter being belt driven offer the same steady inertia/speed as a direct drive or idler drive?
Is the lack of torque in the belt drive motor compensated for by the high mass platter. Object in motion stays in motion etc. Or are there other factors to take into consideration?
I am considering building up a Garrard 301 or Technics SP10, but is it all nonsense about the advantage of torque.
I am aware that the plinths on these tables can make a huge difference, I've got that covered.
My other options would be SME20 or Basis 2500 of Kuzma Stogi Reference etc.
If I have misstated some technical word, please avert your eyes. I don't want a lecture on semantics, I think everyone knows what I mean.
Thanks in advance.

Showing 2 responses by buconero117

The flaws in the way most vinyl was mastered will far out weight what 'perfection' that you chase in the TT design. Once you arrive at the 'perfection' design, it will be time to move on to a base that is no less than a $10K electron microscope table. Then on to other parts of the chain. Please, just enjoy the music.
All the comments remind me of the endless discussion of speaker drivers and the material science that relates to it. As many have suggested, whatever sounds best to you, is the best. That goes for all the links in the chain. In the meantime, the cat will keep chasing its tail.