Dion's back

I'm listening to Dion's new cd "Bronx in Blue"; just picked it up this afternoon. He plays a solid collection of classic blues standards written by Robert Johnson, Bo Didley, Howlin' Wolf, Sam "Lightnin'" Hopkins, Blind Willie McTell, and others. Highly recommended!
A big thumbs up on Dion's Bronx in Blue. A very intimate and well recorded album. If you are a fan of the blues, you are in for a real treat.
Thanks for the heads up, I will look for it. I picked up a CD of his last year, called "New Masters" where rerecorded some of his hits; I enjoy it but there are spots that could of been better IMO.
dion's output from the 70's has all been reissued on ace cd two'fers.........this guy made some stellar music.
Yes he did! I would love, however, a re-issue on 180 grm vinyl on his work with the "great" Belmonts!