Diminishing Returns

I’ve reached a point, after much tweaking in my system thanks to Audiogon, I’m moving away from the forum. I’ve gotten to a place where I’m so satisfied with my system that further improvements, while I’m sure they will work, I don’t care.  I used to read  with great interest the weekly listing of the most popular posts.  I’m now finding it boring.  I think It’s time to get off the Merry-Go-Round.
Aside from the “Music” posts” that will be it.

Showing 2 responses by 4krowme

When you live in an audio desert such as I do, places like this are most welcome. Indeed there will always be the separation of the wheat from the chaff, so when that becomes a bit much, I go away for awhile. 
  Funny how I remember the love for music more when I had little to play it on, as opposed to after I started chasing the equipment. In spite of that, I actually Really enjoy the chase for better sound, or experimentation from one combination to another. Apparently, I am not alone.
I keep the audio economy in good shape. Yes, I have been satisfied, amazed and wowed several times during the past few decades. I wouldn't change a thing, except I wish that I still had those golden ears of my youth. All in all, it has been a wonderful experience.... except when I am driven crazy by a dying component, or a new listening room,  and more!